We’ve enjoyed a 100% success rate on both our spring and fall hunts for the past 12 years with almost 85% of Muskox making book. We’ve also held the SCI World record for the past 6 years.

Musk Ox Hunts

Our Nunavut Caribou Hunts are best in class and provide the highest success rates in the industry for trophy caribou. Also enjoy high bow success. Both 1 and 2 tag hunts available.

Caribou Hunts

Create a combo hunting experience by adding a caribou to your fall muskox hunt. An exciting, high success arctic hunting adventure for bow and gun hunters alike.

Combo Hunts

Nunavut’s Most Trusted Outfitter

Excellent Arctic big game hunting opportunities, great food, comfortable accommodations, experienced guides and an Arctic wilderness that is untamed and unspoiled. We are the only outfitter in the western Arctic to invest a significant amount in the resources required to establish the infrastructure and equipment that will provide you with a safe and successful hunting adventure in Nunavut. This is wild country. And we’ve been here for over 40 years. Join us for the hunting experience of a lifetime!

100% Success Rate

We’ve experienced a 100% success rates on our Musk Ox hunts, not to mention the fact that this is a true Arctic adventure!

Henik Lake Reviews

I truly had a great Muskox/Caribou combo hunt. Your guides were top notch and they had tremendous knowledge of the country. These were the 21st and 22nd animals on my way to the North American 29. Thanks again Dave.
Greg P. Visalia CA
Jon Baker
“Very well organized. All aspects were very professional, personable and informative. Office staff handled everything professionally and quickly.”
Ward Poppenberg